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Penguins 101

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African Penguin

African Penguin

African Penguin - Spheniscus demersus. The African penguin, also known as Jackass Penguin, is a small banded species with a social behavior that inhabits the warm environments of South Africa and part of the coast of Namibia. African's life expectancy in the wild is between 10-12 years.
Chinstrap Penguin

Chinstrap Penguin

Chinstrap Penguin - Pygoscelis antarcticus. A thin line around the face distinguishes the Chinstrap penguin, a species that lives on several islands and has a great ability for the construction of nests during its reproductive season. Chinstrap's life expectancy in the wild is 12 years.
Emperor Penguin

Emperor Penguin

Emperor Penguin - Aptenodytes forsteri. The Emperor penguin is the largest penguin in the world, with an incredible capability to dive deep waters. It performs one of the hardest migrations in the animal kingdom to reach its nesting grounds in Antartica which suppose a high resistance to withstand freezing temperatures. Emperor's life expectancy in the wild is 20 years.
Gentoo Penguin

Gentoo Penguin

Gentoo Penguin - Pygoscelis papua. The Gentoo penguin is one of the most recognizable penguins because a white stripe around the eyes that goes through the head. There are two subspecies of this penguin which is part of the group of Brush-tailed Penguins and is the largest species of its genus. Gentoo's life expectancy in the wild is between 10-15 years.
Adelie Penguin

Adelie Penguin

Adelie Penguin - Pygoscelis adeliae. The Adelie Penguin is a species with one of the most stable populations of all penguins. Their distinctive eyes rounded by a white circle that contrasts with the completely black head, help to recognize them. It is one of the two species that spend their life in Antartica. Adelie's life expectancy in the wild is 10 years.
King Penguin

King Penguin

King Penguin - Aptenodytes patagonicus. The king penguin is the second largest species and features bright and intense colors in its chest, head and beak. The king penguin has two subspecies distributed around several subantarctic islands, with climates ranging from temperate to cold. King's life expectancy in the wild is 20 years.
Galapagos Penguin

Galapagos Penguin

Galapagos Penguin - Spheniscus mendiculus. The Galapagos Penguin inhabits the islands with the same name where the climate is mainly hot. It is the penguin that lives north most, very close to the Equator and eventually reaches waters of the northern hemisphere. They have feeding and reproductive habits different than those of their southern relatives. Galapagos' life expectancy in the wild is 9.5 years.
Erect-crested Penguin

Erect-crested Penguin

Erect-crested Penguin - Eudyptes sclateri. The Erect-crested Penguin are native to the Antipodes and Bounty Islands, a pair of remote places protected from human activity by the government of New Zealand, which make them hard to see. Despite this, it is one of the species most threatened penguin species. Erect-crested's life expectancy in the wild is 10 years.
Macaroni Penguin

Macaroni Penguin

Macaroni Penguin - Eudyptes chrysolophus. The Macaroni Penguins have a prominent orange-yellow plume that attracts attention. It is one of the most migratory, aggressive and territorial, penguins and prefers to feed on fish and squid. Macaroni's life expectancy in the wild is 12 years.
Fiordland Penguin

Fiordland Penguin

Fiordland Penguin - Eudyptes pachyrhynchus. The Fiordland penguin is a crested penguin native to West New Zealand which inhabits the Fiordland region of this country. Its limited distribution makes it one of the least known penguins. Two white patches on each side of the beak make it different from other crested penguins. Fiordland life expectancy in the wild is Unknown.
Snares Penguin

Snares Penguin

Snares Penguin - Eudyptes robustus. The Snares Penguin exclusively inhabits the Snares Island in New Zealand. It is part of the group of crested penguins, and its appearance is very similar to the Fiordland penguin. It mainly feeds on krill and squid and only around 20% of fish. Snares' life expectancy in the wild is 11 years.
Magellanic Penguin

Magellanic Penguin

Magellanic Penguin - Spheniscus magellanicus. The Magellanic Penguin belongs to the group of banded penguins which makes it similar to the Humboldt, African, and Galapagos penguins. It inhabits beautiful landscapes in Argentina and Chile, and it is profoundly affected by “El Niño” phenomenon. Magellanic's life expectancy in the wild is 10 years.
Royal Penguin

Royal Penguin

Royal Penguin - Eudyptes schlegeli. The Royal Penguin is part of the group of crested penguins, but it has an entirely white face which makes it easy to identify. It inhabits some Australian islands where it feeds on up to 50% krill and the rest of fish and squid. Royal's life expectancy in the wild is 12 years.
Little Blue Penguin

Little Blue Penguin

Little Blue Penguin - Eudyptula minor. The Little Blue Penguin is the smallest species with a height of 13 inches. Its feathers have a blueish color, and they inhabit several places of Australia, New Zealand, Tasmania and some islands. They are not migratory and mainly nocturnal penguins. Little Blue's life expectancy in the wild is between 6-20 years.
Rockhopper Penguin

Rockhopper Penguin

Rockhopper Penguin - Eudyptes. The Rockhopper penguin has red eyes, short beak, and a characteristic plume. It is part of the crested penguins and has two subspecies distributed in a large area which includes South America and several subantarctic islands. Rockhopper's life expectancy in the wild is 10-15 years.
Yellow-eyed Penguin

Yellow-eyed Penguin

Yellow-eyed Penguin - Megadyptes antipodes. The Yellow-eyed Penguin has golden-yellow spots around its eyes. It inhabits several islands around New Zealand, and It is not a migratory species. It groups in small colonies as this penguin is not as social as the other species. Yellow-eyed's life expectancy in the wild is 9-10 years.
Humboldt Penguin

Humboldt Penguin

Humboldt Penguin - Spheniscus humboldti. The Humboldt Penguin is native to the Peruvian and Chilean coasts. It is a Banded Penguin with a Vulnerable conservation status due to several threats, mainly overfishing, that make them harder to find food. Humboldt's life expectancy in the wild is between 10-12 years.

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